Black Holes Do Not Exist For The Anti-Gravity Effect? Unified Field Theory Between The Fifth Force And The Gravitational Force In General Relativity

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Airplanes must fly over oceans and seas, NOT over lands, to crash on our heads. The trajectories of flying objects must be away from lands, to save our lifes. Life of any person or family is important. So the air-ports MUST be constructed only on the beaches of all countries, and NOT inside the lands: to avoid accidents and crashes on innocent citizens. The airplanes must be modified: the airplanes must be constructed FLOATABLE on water, as boats, to land over the water if they are damaged during the flight over seas. To not crash down, when landing on water of the sea.

"The birds are little, light animals, not dangerous for human beings; but the airplanes are big, of hard metal, and heavy to crash on our heads: they aren't safety for us on inside lands as nature's birds."


Venice-Italy saying : “The apple can fall from the tree on our heads, the water melon, so heavy, cannot, because it grows on the earth: so no danger for everyone.”

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